Class Readers
• SOC 492 — Sociology of Art (SFSU, Prof. Edward McCaughan) Interested in using any of our articles (from 1974 to our latest issue) in your classroom? Please visit our Educators page to learn about custom class readers.
• SOC 492 — Sociology of Art (SFSU, Prof. Edward McCaughan) Interested in using any of our articles (from 1974 to our latest issue) in your classroom? Please visit our Educators page to learn about custom class readers.
by Maurice Rafael Magaña* June 14, 2016, marked the 10-year anniversary of the beginning of a popular uprising in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. The Oaxacan social movement of 2006 formed following the violent eviction of striking teachers from … Continue reading
by Salvatore (Turi) Palidda* The drowning of 700 (and maybe as many as 900) migrants in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea on April 17, 2015, should be seen as a direct consequence of two major facts: the multiplication of … Continue reading
by Volker Eick* Since Nobel Peace Prize laureate and US president Barack Obama began targeted killings of supposed Islamic terrorists using Special Forces and the CIA in Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia,(1) an envious German government has sought to catch … Continue reading
This post is part of a series on the possible impacts of Trump’s election on a variety of social justice issues. Click here to read more. • • • by Ray Michalowski* As the great Yankee’s baseball catcher and American philosopher Yogi Berra once … Continue reading
by Tony Platt* Anniversaries provide many opportunities for revisionist and wishful thinking about the past. The 50th anniversary of the Kerner Report is no exception. The new mythology remakes the Kerner Commission as a bastion of liberal democracy and enlightened … Continue reading
by Gregory Shank Seth Rosenfeld’s case documenting Richard Aoki’s role as an FBI informant understandably provoked a strong reaction from those who knew him or had extensively researched his life. In his 70 years, Aoki had developed deep networks among … Continue reading
by Rebecca Gordon* The 2016 presidential campaign has put torture back on the American agenda. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are campaigning on promises to bring it back, and even Marco Rubio hinted in that direction. (Of course torture never … Continue reading
by Stephen Platt* Despite “encouraging signs of progress” in suicide prevention in the United States, the suicide rate continues to rise, particularly among middle-aged white men. The drive to reduce the overall suicide rate is necessary but not sufficient: it … Continue reading
by Laurindo Dias Minhoto* In Rio de Janeiro—the “marvelous city”—there is an old port where slave ships that brought captive workers from different parts of Africa to the center of the colony docked. The port area has been recently named … Continue reading